Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lighting of a Public Restroom

So my work recently changed out the fluorescent bulbs in the women's restroom. SOme of the lamps had gone out and needed to be replaced. It was startling to when I walked in. The lamps color temperature was so drastically different from the previous one's. I looked over into the janitors work room, were the extra bulbs were placed. I noticed they had installed 6500K lamps. No wonder! The originally ones had to have been somewhere around 3500K. I couldn't tell if I felt fine with the change or not. In some ways I wished they would of just left the room dim, like it was when the bulbs were blown out. I feel like I saw less dirt and grime when it was that way. However, the new light gave off a more clinical feeling to the room, as if it helped conveyed that the room was clean. They light gave off this psychological interpretation because of how bright, blue, and cool it appeared. So does it truly feel cleaner with this color temperature? I would have to say no. Again, if you can see dirt and grime or if the room smells like a public restroom, lighting is only one factor that can change the perception of cleanliness.
I have gotten a little used to them over the last several days, but i still believe the 3500K color temperature would of been best. I could guarantee you that the person who installed the new bulbs took none of this into consideration. They were surely more interested in cost.

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